
Hi, i'm kin 🙂

Front-end engineer with a passion for travelling and eating

Me on top of a mountain in Ha Giang (Vietnam)
A quote I live by...
“Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor”
- Alexis Carrel
Kin (left), Tom (right) skiing selfie in Switzerland
Since graduating from university I've always been keen to travel and see as much of the world as possible. It started with a 5 week trip to Japan and since then I've seen some incredible sights, climbed mountains, skied slopes, tried different types of food I never even knew existed and made lifelong friends with some incredible people that I've met with in different countries across the world. Next on my list of places to go is either South America or Asia. I'm learning Spanish with the goal of making it easier to travel the world. I can't imagine a life being stuck in one place (for the time being at least). Becoming a full digital nomad with no permanent home is the ultimate goal 🚀
Sometimes I wonder whether I travel to see sights, enjoy new experiences, meet people, live in different environments...or if I'm just travelling to eat my way around the world 😄 No matter how I look at it, food makes up a huge part of my life and the food markets and restaurants are the first thing I look at when I'm planning my trips. I was recently asked:
Q: What's one thing you always do when visiting a new place?
A: Airbnb food tour - every time.
Besides from food, a good cup of coffee can make my day. At home I grind my own beans for a V60 filter (topped with a bit of frothed milk 🤌). Out and about, my go-to is a flat white with my current favourite spots in London being Glass in Camden and Beanberry near Holborn.
Lobster brioche from Homer Lobster - Marais, Paris
Kin's modified Toyota GT86
I used to have 2 pictures of a Ferrari F40 on my wall when I was a little kid. My dad owned a red BMW E30, my uncle owned a BMW E46 M3 and is still a mechanic a to this day. I grew up watching Fast & Furious films and idolising turbo flutter and neon lights. I diverged from my family by not buying into German cars and instead went Japanese with a Toyota GT86. I bought my car (first and only) completely stock in March 2020 and since then have been modifying and tinkering since. Wheels, tyres, suspension, lip, sideskirts, diffuser...the list goes on. It now sits with a supercharged with one of the few Litchfield kits in the UK dyno'd to make 285bhp with a 0-60 time of 5s.